There is nothing more satisfying than seeing the fruits of your autumn labour bloom before your eyes.
Spring's arrival took its time this year and it was well worth it. This past winter wasn't as harsh as the last three and this spring is showing proof of success. As I worked in the garden today, a huge sigh and deep breath of satisfaction allowed me to enjoy these lovely early season blooms.
Some may be new to you. These, I cannot part with:
Early spring Anemone bland "Blue Shades" . They just blanket the ground. So delicate and display such a vibrant blue for the garden. |
Psuchkinia libanotica, similarly to scilla - their colour is quite unique. |
Chionodoxa luciliae 'alba' - star shaped wonder. |
Pulmonaria saccharata - quite common, but I love how the flowers change from pink to blue. |
Narcissus 'Tete a Tete': I love how they flower before the larger cultivars. Their compact size, really make a big impact. |
Hellebores - no other flowers can compare. |
Scilla - whether you enjoy the blue, light blue or white cultivars, they naturalize and flower for lengthy periods like no other bulb. |
Galanthus nivalis - one of the earliest to show us spring has arrived. Their delicate beauty means - Spring! |
All the above plants are ideal for the naturalized perennial border. Nearly no work. Just allow those that are bulbs to fade and go completely yellow. Just don't forget to deadhead after the flowers have faded - to promote bloom for next year. The others just fade into the background and allow other plants to take centre stage.
A good amount of compost and some blood and bone meal throughout the summer, and they will delight you again next April.
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