
Saturday, July 07, 2012

Limited Space Vertical Gardening

Humber College Urban Homestead Display

At Canada Blooms earlier this year, I got a glimpse of some interesting vertical gardening techniques.  Living walls and stacked containers demonstrated you can still garden even though one might not have a large area to work with.

Lee Valley's Stacking Pots

 Lee Valley has these wonderful stacked containers which I think are ideal for herbs.

Stacking Pots and accessories
Having little pots scattered about would reduce space and increase clutter - this idea lets you get a totem effect. Each stackable pot has 3 exposed planting areas, with a shared centre chamber, ideal for roots to spread and for adequate water retention.

Or how about this Wall Garden method: 
Lee Valley Wall Garden Container

Plant stands are also ideal. I've refurbished a stacked arrangement of sorts from reused items. I found this old plant stand at the end of someones curb, put out for garbage. I took it home, sanded the worst of rust away and spray painted it with rust-proof Tremclad. Functional waste diversion ;) Now it holds some of my herbs.

Even in shade I manage to grow tomatoes. Here I placed my grape tomatoes in a moveable pot (on wheels) to maximize sunny spots (which move through the summer). I also extended the tomato cage with bamboo hoops. Now the tomato stands over 6 feet, and currently over 8 flower batches are in the progress of maturing to fruit in the next few weeks. Yay for vertical growth!

I added more obelisks to my containers and trellises to my garden, in order to achieve more height.

There's a lot of creative ways to maximize space.

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