
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Reminiscing...Working the Land

Some of my earliest recollections as a child have been about the garden or working the land. Being the last in line of  five children, I got to watch, tag along and generally be a pest to my siblings with so many outdoor activities.

Mom loved Red Salvia and Yellow Marigolds *
One activity was trampling around in the flower garden. My Mom had a love for colour; our front and backyards were always full of colourful annuals. I remember fondly collecting seeds for next years planting.

My parents grew up in rural, subsistence farming communities in Europe. They knew how to work and live off the land. Both had a wealth of knowledge and know-how that I treasure today; having watched and learned so much from them. We owned a farm, quite rough around its edges that became my father's oasis. We as a family managed in the early years to transform part of the land into workable soil, producing sizable crops, at least enough for our needs.

Real poser, while the others did all the hard work*
We were taught pest control techniques that didn't use pesticides or herbicides. My parents were "green" before it was a coined-phrase. I remember the tedious task in collecting potato beetles off of leaves and especially the potato flowers. Ugh... boring job...but foundational.

I remember how we would hoe, weed and seed areas. Watched Dad rototill the soil with his blue tractor. We would work (I'm sure I sat around and played most of the time) real hard and then make our way to the lake to cool off with a summer swim. Good times!

Mom and Dad had us all gather and pick apples at our farm so we could make cider. All wonderful memories that I now cherish. Mind you, at the time we all grumbled (at least I did ;) at the hard work. Well worth it now that I look back at the hard-working ethic my parents modeled.

All my brother's hard work*

Young pumpkin patch*
I love how God works; planting seeds of knowledge and experience, allowing them to nurture and cultivate creative adults. For that I am grateful!

I am also grateful for older brothers who put up with my nagging and quirky ways. I learned heaps from them too.  And now that Mom and Dad are gone, I am so happy to look back and remember our fruitful childhood! Thank you Peter, for taking the above photos!*

1 comment:

  1. What sweet pictures of my cousins! I enjoyed them so much. Brings back wonderful memories for me too.


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